I shaved the beard btw. links directly to

Still tuning the Gonteekwa up. There are passages that need more teeth. Specifically, a character named LESTER WHEELER ANTIQUITIES DEALER who I have been throwing words at.

Been working on Nelson's backstory in THE GONTEEKWA. Tying the politics of Jamaica in 1980 and the  800 murders somehow. I was toying with Nelson being a disgraced cop on the run. Now I'm not sure which way to go. Lots of fun researching it. In fact, I was considering making an official looking Rastafari document.

speaking of religious documents online:

The KING OG front continues to grow and fester. It has been fun to see what websites think it is a serious document and those that aren't sure. There will be more. I have a second chapter that is tied in with LESTER WHEELER above. I might put it on the KING OG site. Not sure yet. I have one foot out the door with this stuff as I am peppering publishers with it.

I have concluded that I will publish KING OG myself. There isn't a publisher in their right mind who is going to invest the time in a writer named DEMMON to get to the bottom of such an elaborate blasphemy. I am thinking that it will be a special treat to those that find and purchase the whole thing. The Hundred Thousand [Giant] War is guaranteed to grab a reader by the cerebral cortex. I wish it was MY experience to find a book as badass as this one I have recently finished writing.

I have sent emails to Jimmy Bakker and Quayle's camp to let them know that there is bad intelligence in their "Christian recordings" regarding King Og of Bashan. I let them know that when King Og of Bashan is being quoted, that those are my words. But those spirit-filled vessels of Christ's pure message can't be bothered. Sometimes, I just don't understand this withered hangnail on the Body of Christ. God bless 'em.

Also, been working on a definitely bent short story about a crazy woman named CATHARINE DEVICE. There was a lot of research I had to do to get her together. I have all of the moving parts in different notepad files and now I have to work the blender. It should clock in at about 10,000 words.

If you have questions or want to interact, you should probably hit up my main Twitter account:


PS. I am aiming for the top of the Google search engine with this. Some guy who may not be Peter Demmon has a podbean spam website at the tippy top. I had to pull my domain before someone spammy got it. Such is the Internet these days. Give me about a month here.