Publishing my editor's note and the o.g. text right here:

*Editor’s note:
This is the only Aramaic translation of the remaining chapter from THE BOOK OF KING OG the Giant.  This text (which was lost/hidden because of a historic, calculated move by Pope Pius XII to separate it from the Manichean Book of the Giants) has been the source of great speculation within the research halls of the Vatican for centuries. Originally, both Latin and Aramaic versions existed. 

The Latin version was censored and destroyed by the Catholic Church in the 5th century CE. 
In fact, the Catholic Church originally posted the following words of anathema in regards to THE BOOK OF KING OG and other forbidden texts:

… and whatever disciples of heresy and of the heretics or schismatics, whose names we have scarcely preserved, have taught or compiled, we declare to be not merely rejected but excluded from the whole Roman catholic and apostolic church, and its authors and their adherents to be damned in the inextricable shackles of anathema for ever.

Chapter 7 from the Aramaic has been recently authorized as “publishable” and is mostly complete. There are light fragments of the first 6 chapters that I will post as they get cleared by the Vatican.

THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG is referenced by association throughout (relatively) recent history, perhaps most notably in the NEW HISTORY OF ECCLESIASTICAL WRITERS published in 1693. In this reference book, the BOOK OF KING OG is described as, “Forged by Jews and Hereticks both Fabulous and Erroneous.” What I have come to conclude is that this has been an elaborate Catholic-ordained suppression of key Biblical knowledge.

Furthermore,  there is an element of disregard for the text in the court documents of the Blasphemy Trial of C. Southwell in 1841 (which was ground zero for the modern atheist movement).  In those trial documents, there is a reference to THE BOOK OF KING OG that has been “lost” and is full of “fables and errors.” However, what I have been learning is that this is a forbidden text that questions the very roots of modern Christianity. Chapters 1-6 tell the story of an antidiluvian and postdiluvian (prior to and post flood) world  that has never been told before.

With Constantine’s systematic destruction of non-Christian texts in and around 326 CE, and the following Gelasian Decree of the 5th century CE, knowledge and/or reproduction of Og’s verses were rendered impossible. The remaining damaged tablets of THE BOOK OF KING OG are currently under lock and key deep in the Vatican. What is transcribed below has been culled from the last remaining tablet/chapter housed in the Secret Vatican Library at the Department of Ancient Documents and Surviving Occult Findings. This department is curated under the Vatican’s residing American Bishop and translator, Father Martin (currently traveling abroad).

In short, Father Martin has access to sections of the Manichean text that has been unknown and unavailable to any other scholar in this field until now.

An interesting aspect of chapter 7 is the speculation that King Og himself dictated the words in preparation for the incoming attack from Moses that is cited in the Bible in Numbers 21.  As far as Father Martin has informed me, these are the only known writings of any of the Rephaim.

I apologize for breaks in text. I will cite them in brackets. I will also transcribe that which Father Martin was unable to translate as follows: [. . .]. Speculative text will have no ellipses, for example: The[quick brown fox] jumps [over] the[lazy] dog.

Regarding speculative text: Most of the words that Father Martin used in his translation of the original Aramaic have been the source of many, many discussions. I argued for “broader strokes” for brevity’s sake. It was painstakingly agreed between Father Martin and myself that italicized words now signify “broader translations.”

All translation liberties taken have been cleared by Father Martin and a panel of his direct Catholic superiors. What you see below is the most efficient reading of Chapter 7 of the Lost Book of King Og.

This website is the result of months of late night discussions and study stateside with Father Martin, a close personal friend of mine. – DEMMON

Numbers 21.
“Do not be afraid of him, for I have delivered him into your hands, along with his whole army and his land, Do to him what you did to Sihon King of the Amorites.”

#Og #KingOg #Nephilim #Rephraim #OldTestament #Catholic #Canaan #Giants #PreAdamicCreation #HundredThousandGiantWar

Dated in or around 1400 BCE.

CHAPTER 7 – The Final Words of King Og
¹Did you think, O [corrupt worm] of [Israel], that I did not stand above [. . . the great wa[ter..] in the [mountains]? ²You who have never touched the sky or stood two cubits over another man. My meditation [my dreams] are your [. . .][death]. Baal will see to it, worm. Behold, I am Og, the largest man in the land. What can you possibly do to me? Are you [prepared to die]?
³I have watched you[. . .] crawl into the [light] as a corrupt [fecal worm]. I have watched your mother Egypt [. . .] eat your young. ⁴I watch now and  I [ponder] is this why you now war with me, O [worm] of Israel? [You have sl]ain my neighbor in Sihon. Baal will avenge [. . .]. Both Baal and Baalat will [. . .empower me. . .] to sever the corrupt [worm] with force. ⁵[ . . .your false god. . .your weak [little] men. . .] I Og spit upon your warriors who trail like ants [. . .beneath. . .][feces]. I [wipe] the spittle from my beard. I will arise when ready. […] [the strength in] but one arm will [break] the [horn] of [Israel].
⁶Are the tales of my [exploits] not [traveling] to your itching ears O corrupt [fecal worm] of [Israel]? Of my power [. . .how I did battle. . .] against the [unspeakable] [monsters] in the renowned fields alongside my [Watcher] and [Nephilim] parentage? [. . .how we moulded to murder. . .] How we turned our wrath [. . .mercy. . .a foreigner. . .] where the old world [monsters] stood. Stupid, [fecal worm]. Stupid corrupt [fecal worm]. Your ox-like stupidity tires me to [sleep].
⁷O bitter, [blackened] corrupt [fecal worm]. Did not my [royal] [sorceresses] of Baal dance and prophesy of your arrival? Have we in Bashan not dreamed of your [murder]? My soothsayers tell of our [. . .victory. . .worship. . .sacrifices. . .]. My priests speak of [sorcery.and perversion] Baal has spoken [. . .] of when I will [tear] the [child skull] of the corrupt [fecal worm] Moses from his soft body and [. . .] hold it over Bashan as [. . .blood sign to Baal]. Your barren women will sing my praises. My dream needs no interpretation.
⁸How will I [murder] [. . .] corrupt one? [. . .] [as [a] dog. . .torn by a bull at the slaughter]. Should I lift [an entire  [. . . ] mountain [of earth] over my head [. . . ]?  Is not [Baal the god] of this [earth] I live in? The kingdom [. . .] supreme Baal has thousands of [. . .] answers to [. . .the pathetic] [fecal] [insect sized] god [. . .] [Israel]. Come here, that I might b[ind you with] cords [empowered by] Baal.
⁹[. . .How many . .] castaways have you killed, since your [insect sized] god told you not to kill? Hypocrite. [. . .the spirits of the sl[ain] complain about you and cry out. [. . .] Moses, you [blood drunk feaster] upon feces.  Like a cowardly [child] with gift toys [you run] from the [skirts] of your mother Egypt to me, that we may do [battle]? I will grind your [bones]. I will [eat] all of your [fingers] to the stump. [. . .great fear] shall seize you and you shall fall upon your face.
¹⁰My [wives] concubines and [sorceresses] shall witness [. . .the. . ] slaughter of the corrupt [fecal worm] of  [Israel]. [And they will] disrobe and paint their [flesh] with [Moses’ blood] and [. . entrails. . .] before Baal.  When we celebrate on high [my] sons will carry his severed stupid [child skull] on high [over the roads. . .]. There will be screams of praise to Og. To Baal. There will be roast [flesh served. . .] To Baal. To Og. [. . .]Moses head [held high] through the [. . .] roads of Bashan. Because you want it so, I will anoint my head and beard with oil before I go to make war, with you, [insect] worshiping fecal [child skull] [defeated].
¹¹Corrupt [little worm] Moses. My spies have told me [. . .your. . .] army, and their [. . .worship. . .] for any god but yours [. . .your murder(ous). . .] Of your time in Egypt. Of your [. . .commandments. . . of laws] your barbarism and insanity all in the name of your [fecal][insect-sized] god.
¹²Corrupt [fecal worm] Moses My spies [. . .] you [made] a bronze snake [. . .] to look upon when poisoned. [. . .] you would kill your own, for not worshiping your senseless corrupt god who kills yet [. . .].
¹³Murderous little [Israel] now at the foot of my kingdom. I will gird my loins to squash [. . .]. As the last of my [. . .Rephaim. . .] The Hundred Thousand Giant War and the survivor of the great wa[ters I now. . . ].
¹⁴[. . .] after killing the [. . .King Arid. . .] then the King of Shihon and [drenched in] their wives and children’s blood? [. . .] You would gird your loins against the last of the [Rephraim]? Gird them well. It is time to stand. My hands are ready for warfare.
¹⁵In my 900th year, the stray dogs of Bashan will feast on the flesh of Israel and the [fecal worm] Moses on the roads and in the paths.
¹⁶My spies [. . .say. . .] King of  Shihon. Killing the women and children, keeping the spoils¹⁷Your corrupt [fecal] god has driven you mad. [. . .murder. . .slaughter. . .destruction] at the [. . .] hands of [Israel]. Of war madness [. . .drunk with. . .] the blood and spoils [. . .] enemies learned. ¹⁸Life is still lost even when the battle is won, [worm].
¹⁹I will release the wild beast [gonteekwa] to you O corrupt [fecal worm Israel. . .] learn its ways of connection [from] before [your time].²⁰Before your [flood] before [your Adam] we were there. From the time of monsters.²¹ My brethren [. . .in the fields] their livestock and the greater [beasts] of old.²²Creeping, cloven hoofed [monsters] that ruled [in the] [. . .] the giants those men of reknown.²³Connected in heart and mind, and unstoppable before the [gods][. . .] one mind and of one heart they ruled. These men of old and their beasts [driven] [before] [them]²⁴Beasts that controlled the men as the men controlled the beasts. O stupid corrupt [fecal worm] Moses, the heart of an animal and the mind of a giant.²⁵ It [is time] for you to share your [soul] with [other] greater.
²⁶[I want no] victory [spoils] [just your. . .] stupid head.
²⁷[. . .] train for [. . .] [strange] weapons.
²⁸Make war [. . .] little man. Make war [. . . ] corrupt little worm. For Baal I’ll spread [. . .]blood [. . .]
²⁹ I have been training as one trains their oxen. My back and arms are ready. My life [. . .] is to [. . .] [fecal worm]. I will tear your backbone [. . .]  [your backside. . .]
³⁰ For Baal I will pull the [. . .] bearded [fecal] [child skull] of Moses from that [stupid] body. I  Og the last of the [Rephaim] [. . .]how long Moses has to live [. . .] since the Hundred Thousand Giant War.
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